Table of Contents

Class Schedule


A Schedule is defined as a potentially infinite stream of Duration, combined with mechanisms for composing them.

public abstract record Schedule : IEnumerable<Duration>, IEnumerable, IEquatable<Schedule>
Inherited Members



Schedule that runs forever returning Zero


Schedule that never runs returning nothing


A ScheduleTransformer that will enforce the first emission from the Schedule is a Zero


Schedule that runs once returning Zero


A ScheduleTransformer which repeats any Schedule forever



Returns true if the Schedule is finite. False indicates the Schedule is infinite and Count will return null


Returns the number of Duration emissions the Schedule will emit; or null if the Schedule is infinite. Call CanCount to determine if a non-null count will be returned


Provides index based access to a shared enumerated version of this Schedule. This will grow the internal buffer in a synchronized way by doubling the current length of the buffer when it is filled.


Take all but the first Duration from the Schedule



Append the other Schedule to the end of this Schedule

Between(Duration, Duration)

A Schedule transformer that places a min floor and max ceiling on the returned delays

DayOfWeek(DayOfWeek, Func<DateTimeOffset>?)

Cron-like Schedule that recurs every specified day of each week

Decorrelate(double, int?)

Transforms the Schedule by de-correlating each of the Duration both up and down in a jittered way

Exponential(Duration, double)

Schedule that recurs continuously using a exponential backoff


Schedule that recurs continuously using a fibonacci based backoff

Fixed(Duration, Func<DateTimeOffset>?)

Schedule that recurs on a fixed `interval`.

If the action run between updates takes longer than the `interval`, then the action will be run immediately, but re-runs will not "pile up".

From(params Duration[])

Schedule constructor that recurs for the specified durations


Schedule constructor that recurs for the specified durations


Realise the underlying time-series of Duration


A Schedule transformer that places a min floor on the returned delays

HourOfDay(uint, Func<DateTimeOffset>?)

Cron-like Schedule that recurs every specified hour of each day


Interleave an emission from the other Schedule between each emission of this Schedule until either Schedule completes


Intersection of two Schedule. As long as both of the two Schedule are still running it will return the maximum Duration


A ScheduleTransformer that intersperses the provided Schedule`s emissions between each emission in the Schedule

Jitter(Duration, Duration, int?)

A ScheduleTransformer that adds a random jitter to any returned Duration

Jitter(double, int?)

A ScheduleTransformer that adds a random jitter to any returned Duration


A Schedule transformer that places a max ceiling on the returned delays

Linear(Duration, double)

Schedule that recurs continuously using a linear backoff


A Schedule transformer that places a max cumulative ceiling on the returned delays

MinuteOfHour(uint, Func<DateTimeOffset>?)

Cron-like Schedule that recurs every specified minute of each hour


Prepend value Duration in-front of the rest of the Schedule


A ScheduleTransformer that limits the schedule to run the specified number of times


A ScheduleTransformer that repeats the Schedule a given number of times


Resets the Schedule after a provided cumulative max Duration

SecondOfMinute(uint, Func<DateTimeOffset>?)

Cron-like Schedule that recurs every specified second of each minute

Select(Func<Duration, Duration>)

Select operation for Schedule which transforms each emitted Duration into a new Duration

Select(Func<Duration, int, Duration>)

Select operation for Schedule which transforms each emitted Duration and index into a new Duration

SelectMany(Func<Duration, Schedule>)

Applies the bind for each emission from this Schedule which then emits all Duration from that returned Schedule.

SelectMany(Func<Duration, Schedule>, Func<Duration, Duration, Duration>)

Applies the bind for each emission from this Schedule which then emits all Duration from that returned Schedule. projection is then called for each pair of Duration emitted


Skip count Duration from the this Schedule


Schedule that recurs continuously with the given spacing


Take count Duration from the Schedule

Transform(Func<Schedule, Schedule>)

ScheduleTransformer constructor which provides mapping capabilities for Schedule instances


Union of two Schedule. As long as any of the two Schedule are still running it will return the minimum Duration

UpTo(Duration, Func<DateTimeOffset>?)

Schedule that will continue to emmit Zero until max Duration has passed.

Where(Func<Duration, bool>)

Applies the predicate on each emitted Duration from this Schedule returning only those that pass

Windowed(Duration, Func<DateTimeOffset>?)

A Schedule that divides the timeline into `interval`-long windows, and sleeps until the nearest window boundary every time it recurs.

For example, 10 second `interval` would produce a schedule as follows:

     10s        10s        10s       10s


operator +(Schedule, Schedule)

Appends the second Schedule after the first Schedule

operator &(Schedule, Schedule)

Intersect(Schedule) of two Schedule

operator &(Schedule, ScheduleTransformer)

Intersect(Schedule) of a Schedule and a ScheduleTransformer

operator &(ScheduleTransformer, Schedule)

Intersect(Schedule) of a ScheduleTransformer and a Schedule

operator |(Schedule, Schedule)

Union(Schedule) of two Schedule

operator |(Schedule, ScheduleTransformer)

Union(Schedule) of a Schedule and a ScheduleTransformer

operator |(ScheduleTransformer, Schedule)

Union(Schedule) of a ScheduleTransformer and a Schedule