Bunsen Burner

Bunsen Burner

Nuget Coverage Quality Gate Status CD Build Check Markdown

Set 🔥 to your old tests! A better way to write tests in C#.


Most tests in C# are written in an arrange, act, assert style, like so,

[Fact(DisplayName = "SerializeAsync can work with anonymous objects")]
public async Task ExampleTest()
    // Arrange
    var widget = new { Name = "Widget1", Cost = 12.50 };
    var ms = new MemoryStream();

    // Act
    await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(
        cancellationToken: TestContext.Current.CancellationToken

    // Assert
        expected: "{\"Name\":\"Widget1\",\"Cost\":12.5}",
        actual: Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray())

This structure is only a convention and is not enforced by the test framework.

This library aims to formalize this structure in the following ways,

  • Enforces that all tests must be arranged before acting and acted upon before assertions can occur. Making it a compile-time error if this is not followed
  • Scaffolding tests using a fluent API making them easier to read, write and refactor
  • Encourages automatic refactoring of tests sections into helper methods, which is only possible if the test is structured using delegates
  • Works with the developers IDE to provide a better experience when writing tests

[Fact(DisplayName = "SerializeAsync can work with anonymous objects")]
public Task ExampleTestUsingAaaBuilder2() =>
    Arrange(() =>
            var widget = new { Name = "Widget1", Cost = 12.50 };
            var ms = new MemoryStream();
            return (widget, ms);
        // pull out the shared test code
        .Assert(result =>
            Assert.Equal(expected: "{\"Name\":\"Widget1\",\"Cost\":12.5}", actual: result)

// this is now a shared stage and can be used in many tests
private static async Task<string> CallSerializeAsync<T>((T, MemoryStream) data)
    var (widget, ms) = data;
    await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(ms, widget);
    return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());